Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Black pond Trail Fall 2017

Black pond Trail Work - Fall 2017

 Ended at Lincoln Woods TH ~ 12:04

 arrived at Linoln TH at ~ 08:15  (drove bike from Rhode Island)
 black pond TH 09:15
 15" blow0down 50 ft into trail (someone else had started working on it with an axe. The hand saw I brought were too small for this one (I wasnt able to get the Bow saw from the Lincoln Tool box)

 Reached Black Ponnd ~ 10:am will ttrim bruush  on the way back, but over all trail is in good shape.

 long log on side of trail, I cut it in half and moved it off trail

 Hand saw that I had brought up with me, not as good as the Bow Saw but okay for small tree.

 cleared a few other rotted logs across trail
 views of the large log near the beginning of trail (too big for me to tackle today)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Black Pond Trail Fall 2017

Black pond trail maintanance 05/19/17 posted 10/25/17

Started at Linoln woods trail head at ~ 5am aon Blak pondtrail ~5:45

first blow-down half way on trail will remove on way back

 tow blow-downs near black pond before
 section of trail with standing water blocked by leaves.
 cleared leaves to drain into stream

back to 1st  blow down - had to saw in 3 places to remove

 bow saw borrowed from Lincoln tool box

 back at trail head (junction with Lincoln woods trail at 10:09