Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Winter AMC New Hampshire List

This is a list of my completed Winter NH 4000 footer hikes with links to the trip reports and pictures.
In order to count towards this list of 48 peaks, the entire hike has to be done during the official days of winter.

  1. Mt. Cannon 6-Jan-12
  2. N. Kinsman 22-Jan-12,
  3. Mt. Jackson 04-Mar-12
  4. Mt. Pierce 16-Mar-12
  5. Mt. Eisenhower 16-Mar-12
  6. South Hancock 24-Dec-12
  7. Mt. Hancock 24-Dec-12
  8. Mt. Waumbeck 07-Jan -13
  9. Mt. Moriah  03-Feb-13
  10. Mt. Madison 22-Feb-13
  11. Mt. Isolation 09-Mar-13
  12. Mt. Tecumseh 29-Dec-13
  13. S. Kinsman 05-Jan-14
  14. East Osceola 10-Jan-14
  15. Mt. Osceola 10-Jan-14
  16. Mt. Tom 19-Jan-14
  17. Mt. Field 19-Jan-14
  18. Mt. Willey 19-Jan-14
  19. Mt. Garfield 27-Jan-14
  20. N. Tripyramid 30-Jan-14
  21. M. Tripyramid 30-Jan-14
  22. Owls Head 08-Mar-14
  23. Bondcliff 18-Mar-14
  24. Mt. Bond 18-Mar-14
  25. W. Bond 18-Mar-14
  26. Mooselauke 14-Jan-15
  27. Whiteface 23-Jan-15
  28. Passaconaway 23-Jan-15
  29. Hale 25-Feb-15
  30. Galehead 25-Dec-15
  31. Lafayette 8-Jan-16
  32. Lincoln 8-Jan-16
  33. Liberty 15-Jan-16
  34. Flume 15-Jan-16
  35. North Twin  2-Feb-16
  36. South Twin 2-Feb-16
  37. Cabot  13-Feb-16
  38. Adams  16-Feb-16
  39. Carter Dome  18-Mar-2017
  40. Carter, South  18-Mar-2017
  41. Wildcat ("A) 19-Mar-2017
  42. Wildcat ("D"), 18-Jan-2018 - hiked up tried to ski down. while Deb waited.
  43. Carter Middle, 5-Mar-2018 - did with gradson Kris
  44. Zealand,11-Mar-2018 - Overnight at Zealand Hut
No hikes winter of 2019-2020  - broke 4 ribs and 3 toes on Aug 2019 in motorcycle accident

Still to do

  1. Washington NH4K-01 6288' (may try east side from Joe Dodge Lodge Pinkham Notch)
  2. Jefferson NH4K-03 5712'
  3. Monroe NH4K-04 5384' (may do with Wash)
  4. Carrigain  NH4K-14 4700' (save for last, overnight with pulk)

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