Saturday, August 24, 2013

Killington (Ne4k), Pico (NEHH), Mendon (NEHH) - Vt

CLICK HERE TO GO TO New England Hundred Highest (NEHH) list.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO my Winter New Hampshire 4K (NH4K)Hikes.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO my Maine/Vermont 4K Hikes.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO my New Hampshire 4K Hikes.

Aug 24,13:  I did this very long (~16 miles) and hard hike on Aug 24th and finishing off my VT 4k peaks, and put 2 New England Hundered Highest (NEHH) peaks in the bank just in case I end up attacking that list "leave no stragglers behind". The only reason it was hard was because of Mendon which is one of the few trailless peaks  on the NEHH list and was a very tough Bushwack (BW).  Owl's Head, that I did in NH, is also said to be partly trailess but is really only a short section of a fairley well defined "Herd Path" (HP).  This day I hadn't really planned on doing Mendon but I bagged Pico and Mansfield earlier than expected and there was Mendon staring at me when I was atop Mansfield saying; "Come and get me! Come and get me!" ------

 Tailgate breakfast after grabbing a few hours of sleep in my truck at the trailhead. Started on the trail at ~0530. The trailhead is across the street (Rt    from The long Trail Inn and there is a small mowed field there owned by the Inn that they let hikers pitch tents in . I didnt bring a tent this trip though.

low cload cover in the valley below

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Maine/Vermont Hikes.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO New Hampshire Hikes.

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